“TCF is the best way to support a wide range of grass roots projects around the state and I hope that we can inspire many more high-quality projects to start by removing money as a barrier.”
– TCF Team Member

About Us
Tas Christian Fund exists to inspire, resource & grow creative evangelistic projects in Tasmania.
We have many strong Churches, Christian not-for-profits and passionate individuals with a heart for evangelism in our State. Too often we have heard the words “if only we had the money” or “I’d love to try this but…”. Our desire through TCF is that we can remove the financial barrier between you and your bold idea to share the gospel! We want to inspire Christian entrepreneurs who otherwise would not be able to get access to funding be able to see their God-given desires become a reality.
Simply put, our goals are to:
- Inspire everyday people to use their gifts for kingdom purposes
- Remove money as an obstacle for evangelism
- Encourage creativity and thinking outside of the box in how to share the gospel
- Support Churches and organisations to increase their impact

What We Do
TCF provides funding for creative evangelistic projects in Tasmania through an annual grant round which opens in February.
Individuals can apply for up to $5,000, and Churches/Organisations can apply for up to $50,000, as long as they meet our grant criteria.
In 2021, we expanded our grant offering to include a specific Youth Grant, which will be available to young people between the ages of 16-25 yrs. Grants will be available up to the value of $2,500 for specific youth-oriented evangelistic projects.
TCF supports a wide range of projects right across Tasmania. From small, grassroots, community-based projects to large scale events and statewide outreach programs, we love to resource people bursting with the heart to tell others about Jesus. If you think that your idea is a bit too radical, you are probably the one we are looking for!